Welcome to...

Holly Springs United Methodist Church
in Holly Springs, GA

Welcome to...

Holly Springs United Methodist Church
in Holly Springs, GA

Welcome to...

Holly Springs United Methodist Church
in Holly Springs, GA

Service Times

Sunday School @ 9:45am
Traditional Worship @ 11:00am


2464 Holly Springs Pkwy.
Holly Springs, GA 30115


We are a community of believers who worship, learn, and serve together to show the presence of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Whether you are searching for God or are looking for a church home where everyone can experience the love of God, be encouraged, and grow in faith, we invite you to join us at any Worship service, volunteer effort, class, or event.

Visit us this Sunday for a traditional worship service.  We look forward to meeting you!

How can we pray for you?

Your prayer request is a call to action for us to share your burdens, joys, or concerns with God. We believe in the power of prayer.  We believe in praying for others as Jesus taught us.
Whether your request is for yourself or a loved one, whether it is for a need, praise, or concern, we are here for you.

Ways to Get Involved

    • Bible Studies
    • community events
    • volunteer work
    • and more!

Visitor Common Questions

Where should I park? is there handicapped parking available?

There is a parking lot on the southside of the building. There are three handicapped parking spaces available near the front covered ramp.

Is Holly Springs UMC handicap accessible?

A covered ramp leads to the double doors on the front of the church.  There are a series of uncovered sidewalk ramps to the side entrance of the downstairs Fellowship Room. Restrooms are off the Fellowship room.

What should I wear?

Some folks enjoy dressing up, but business casual works too. You’ll see people in jeans or shorts and casual shirts.  It doesn’t matter to us, and God doesn’t care. You decide. We want you to feel at home.

What should I expect?

Worship is at the heart of everything at Holly Springs UMC. Our services follow a traditional pattern and there will be a Bulletin listing each step.  Sit wherever you feel comfortable.

Fairly early in the service, we will stand for the passing of the peace, an ancient Christian tradition of sharing smiles and greetings with each other. You can expect readings from the Bible, prayers, and a sermon based on Scripture. We love to praise God through singing 2 or 3 hymns together from the United Methodist Hymnal.

What about my children?

Children worship with their families and take part in a Children’s moment during worship. If you wish, ask a Greeter (the ones handing out Bulletins) for a child’s activity bag when you enter the church.  If a smaller child gets fussy, and we’ve all been there, feel free to walk with them in the back of the church or take them downstairs to the Fellowship Room.

Will I have to give money?

Our collection plate is at the door to the Sanctuary for our offerings and it is carried to the alter during the service. If you have something to give and wish to do so to support the church’s ministries, then feel free to give.

Will there be Communion?

We celebrate communion one Sunday a month as part of the worship service. The United Methodist Church has an open communion tradition in which anyone of any age who seeks to be in a relationship with God is welcome at the table.  If you’d rather not receive communion, that’s fine. If you are more comfortable taking communion in your seat, a Greeter (the ones handing out bulletins) can provide you with elements of bread and juice that you will open at the appropriate time.

How do I join the church?

If you are interested in joining the Church, contact the Pastor for the steps to take.