Ways to Get Involved at Holly Springs
Worship With Us
We invite you to join us in a traditional worship service every Sunday at 11:00am.
Join us as we take a journey through the Bible and deepen our relationship with God!
This Sunday In Worship February 16, 2025
Learn With Us

Adult and Youth Bible Study
The Adult Bible Study class meets on Sunday Mornings at 9:45 in the Fellowship Hall. The group first gathers for a cup of coffee, hot chocolate or tea and the class begins a few minutes before 10.
The class is currently reading and enthusiastically discussing the book “Unshakable Hope” by Max Lucado. Join them as they learn together about building their lives on the promises of God.

Children’s Church
Each worship service has a children’s message after which children ages 3 through 12 are invited to the Fellowship Hall for Children’s Church. This is a half-hour of Bible stories, media, activities, and crafts based on the message they just heard to help children grow closer to the hear of God. Yes, there will be snacks…
Serve the Church

Ushers, Greeters and Acolytes
These three roles are an important part of every worship service. A Greeter or Usher welcomes everyone to Sunday service, provides bulletins, assists with seating if needed, updates our “Who’s Here” list and is the first “Face” of our Church to visitors. Ushers also bring the offering forward during the service and help guide people to communion. An Acolyte carries the Light of Christ into the worship service during the prelude and carries the flame during the final Hymn to signify our taking the Light of Christ out into the World.
To volunteer to be part of this Worship support, use the signup sheet in the back of the Church and commit to a month of service. You will be trained and there will be at least one other person doing this with you.

Join Our Choir!
Music is an important part of our worship services. From September through May, the Church Choir sings anthems and hymns that support the worship text or season of the service. We have an Easter and a Christmas Cantata during the year with singers who join with us for the special music. Soloists and special music are presented during the summer months.
Speak to the Choir Director or a Choir member if you are interested in being a part of this music ministry. All adult singers of all ability, skill, and experience levels are welcome. The Choir practices in the Sanctuary 5:00-6:00 PM on Thursdays and 10:30 AM each Sunday before Worship in the active choir months.

Holly Springs United Methodist Women of the Church
Holly Springs United Methodist Women has a rich history of supporting the mission of the church and of promoting a warm, caring community of women that strengthens each individual as well as the church as a whole.
Ways to be Involved: Planning meetings are held on the second Monday of each month in the Church Fellowship Hall at 11:00 A.M. For those unable to attend, discuss your input, comments, and ideas with any member to take to the meeting on your behalf. Many events will have signup sheets or a contact person for you to register event participation and/or food & supplies. The Newsletter email list will be used to send requests for volunteers for special projects such as decorating or set-up for events.
Activities during the year include:
- Planning with the Worship Committee – special services, decorating the church, hanging the church banners, supporting special offerings or services.
- Hosting Fellowship and Community Meals and Events – communications, decorations, meal planning, set-up & clean-up, and Trunk or Treat community outreach.
- Hosting Church Family Life Celebrations – Bridal Showers, Baby Showers.
- Fund Raising – Almost World-Famous Yard Sale, Church dinners, Zelma McWhirter Poinsettias sale, Christmas Bazaar. Funds are used for Church support and Charities.
- Providing Bereavement Meals – provide a meal for a member’s family and friends following a funeral.

Monday Morning Card Ministry
All are welcome to this Ministry of Care and Fellowship. The team sends greeting cards to members and friends of Holly Springs UMC in times of celebrations, illness, or loss. The cards are carefully chosen for each situation to assure people they are welcomed and deeply cared and prayed for by our Church Family.
The team meets on Monday mornings, normally at 11:00, except for the second Monday of the month, when it meets at 10:30, preceding the Holly Springs United Methodist Women meeting at 11:00. Check the Newsletter or Bulletin for specific times each week.

Working Together on Special Church Projects
We are a church that believes in working together in fellowship to take care of where we worship. This often takes the form of special Work Clean Up Days or landscaping or maintenance projects that are planned by the Trustee Committee and volunteers.
Recently, a group of volunteers met early one HOT Saturday morning to clear off the downed branches, overgrown brush, wild weeds, and poison ivy/oak that was taking over the back lot of the church. There were many more working than pictured here but a huge Thank You to all for an amazing job!
Serve the Community

MUST Ministries
Founded in 1971 by the Rev. Wayne Williams, MUST Ministries’ initial programs included a grocery bus ministry for the elderly, a youth tutoring program and outreach ministries to “alienated” young people. Since its inception, MUST has fulfilled Wayne’s vision of connecting people who have a desire to help with those who need help the most. Today, MUST encompasses more than 17,000 volunteers who are continually helping MUST Ministries achieve its goal of being Georgia’s most respected servant-leader. Find out how you too can be a part of the movement of Christ’s call! Click here to find out more about MUST Ministries.
Holly Springs UMC partners with MUST Ministries through a monthly donation program. Each month, our Outreach Team works with MUST to determine what the greatest donation needs are and posts these in our Newsletter, Bulletin, and on this site. Our members generously donate items and help load and carry items to the Cherokee donation center. Click here to learn about this Cherokee location and other MUST volunteer opportunities.

UMCOR – United Methodist Committee on Relief
One of the vital ministries of the United Methodist Church is the United Methodist Committee on Relief as it brings much needed support when natural or man-made disasters strike such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and flooding and war. When these tragic events happen, UMCOR comes in immediately to help where needed. This ministry began as an arm of the Methodist Church in 1940 due to the enormous needs that were created during WWII. It is a non-profit organization as all financial donations go directly to meet the needs present when these disasters happen.
Other Ministry Partners: